Who we are
We are a team working online and providing many users a free service of classifieds ads posting online. Classified ads are those which people uses to buy sell, promote their business and free classified listings.
What we do
We are providing free classified services to all the users who are willing to use these types of free classified listing services. We check all the listing personally and have give all the users a rights of posting all types of the ads related to the category. This is an auto approval classified site which allows users to instantly get results to their listings which they post ads on this classified website.
Why we are providing free services
Classified website is similar to the internet advertising but the different is that this allows users to post their free classified ads and it is very popular between the individuals, business persons and advertising companies. This free classified service is mostly for those people who cannot spend any penny on online advertising. This classified website has lots of categories which you can see on the categories page of this classified website.
Our rights vs user rights
We because of being an administrator of this classified website have full rights of refusing, removing and deleting any classified ads from the site and also can deny any of the classified ads posted by the users without any reason. These types of steps could be taken by us to keep all the users interest in out free classified website services. Users have a right to repost their ads again and not to argue of removing any classified ads from the site.