Media Division online

Acton, California, US Check with seller

2 weeks ago ID #26453


Are you involved with Media? Would you like to make a positive impact doing what you love and enjoy? IHF needs your expertise in graphics and social media to volunteer your time working from the comfort of your home. Volunteers from across the Globe are invited to join our MEDIA team as At Home members or as part of our Global Leadership Development program. Whether an hour a month or an hour a day, whether experienced or new; your help is needed. Meet many people from diverse cultures and socio- economic backgrounds globally, while helping children seeking a brighter future. The International Humanity Foundation(IHF) is seeking experts and those who want to learn. Ages 18-95. MEDIA PR DIVISION �� GRAPHICS & DESIGN �� IHF Website / IT �� IHF Social Media �� Translation �� Volunteer Outreach (General Online Outreach Task Team, GOOTT) �� University Partnerships �� IHF Newsletter _____________________________________________________________________ Email enquiries: [email protected] For more information: To Apply for the post:
International Humanity Foundation
International Humanity Foundation Posting for 2+ months view profile

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