Online & At Center Mentors & Teachers

Acton, California, US Check with seller

1 week ago ID #27249


MENTORS & TEACHERS NEEDED . VOLUNTEERS as MENTORS NEEDED and as TEACHERS NEEDED ( All subjects but especially Highschool Math, Basic English, and Computor Skills). Work ONLINE from your home, (during your own availability) or at one if our Community CENTERS. (For University Students we offer INTERNSHIPS.) YOU WILL MAKE A GREAT MENTOR OR TEACHER TO A CHILD❗️ How do we know? Because you have lived through great challenges and survived. Use your past pain as your expertise helping lonely children and teens now behind in school, going through lack of confidence, and needing either an adult mentor, teacher or study-buddy online as a volunteer position. For Volunteers teaching at our Centers we do provide transportation fuel and snack for all At Center Teachers. Whether Volunteering online or at one of our centers, just a few hours a week or a month, our volunteer teachers & mentors, are changing the world we live in. While basic level English is the common language used by volunteers online, IHF advocates for the preservation and promotion of all languages. Volunteers that speak Indonesian or Swahili or Thai ( but not English) are also needed as Teachers and Mentors) IHF believes in slow quiet growth with deep roots. We believe there are many amazing children and adults who want to learn and to help the world be a better place if given the opportunity. Our over twenty years as a successful volunteer organization proves this. The International Humanity Foundation (IHF) is an award winning International Non- profit, founded and active since 2001. Our two-fold mission is to (1) Educate impoverished children, activating their highest potential and nurturing healthy, loving communities around them. (2) Educating global citizens through real life experiences, online and in person, about the realities of impoverished communities, practical skills in aiding needed efforts, and the value of other cultures. We offer children and adults from kindergarten through retirement venues for learning and safely practicing leadership skills. Details of all our volunteer programs and the Volunteer application can be found on our website | You can also apply through our [email protected] email address. Note: All Volunteers need to have access to their own dependable computer or tablet, and Wi-Fi connection.
International Humanity Foundation
International Humanity Foundation Posting for 2+ months view profile

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