6 Quick and Flavorful Homemade Shrimp Paste Sambal Dishes

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1 week ago 7 hits ID #8678


Recipe 2: Fried Sambal Terasi with Big Red Chili - Components: 150g curly red chili, 75g small red chilies, 3 huge red chilies, sufficient brownish sugar and shrimp paste, 1 red tomato, 10 shallots, 3 garlic cloves, salt, and frying oil. - Technique: Comparable to the initial dish, but beginning by frying all active ingredients other than the tomato. Mix, period, and fry again. Range in Sambal Apart from Sambal Terasi, there are other kinds like Sambal Geprek, Sambal Hijau, Sambal Rendang, and Sambal Teri, each supplying an one-of-a-kind preference and fragrance influenced by Indonesian cooking diversity. If you have any inquiries relating to where and ways to make use of sambal terasi Lauk Enak, you could call us at our own website.

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