Are you struggling with sexual problems like delayed ejaculation, low libido, decreased sensitivity and sexual performance anxiety; then there is a good chance that you are also struggling with your Kapha dosha? As we know that when there is an imbalance of Kapha in the body, it can lead to sexual problems. Kapha is associated with earth and water and it governs stability, moisture and structure in the body.
World-renowned Ayurvedacharya Dr. Sunil Dubey, who is one of the most experienced sexologists in Patna, Bihar, says that imbalanced Kapha in the body affects sexual health in many ways. The Kapha element provides moisture, stability and nourishment to our body. When Kapha is imbalanced it can cause lethargy and heaviness in the body. It can affect libido, energy-levels, and the quality of reproductive fluids. When the amount of kapha in the body increases, it can slow down normal body and sexual functions.
Common sexual problems associated with imbalanced Kapha in the body:
Our renowned sexologist Dr. Sunil Dubey is a top-rated gupt rog specialist doctor in India who is an expert in this Ayurveda and sexology medical profession. He is a qualified Ayurvedic doctor certified in the sexologist profession and has a long-standing experience in research and treatment.
He has done research on sexual problems in men and women. Based on his research and treatment, he says that the following sexual problems are caused by excess of Kapha in the body.
Reduced Libido for sexual activity
Delayed or Late Ejaculation in men
Excessive mucus production
Reduced sensitivity in genital area
Stress, Anxiety, and emotional factors
Ayurvedic Treatment for Complete Sexual Disorders:
Dr. Sunil Dubey says that Ayurvedic approach and medicine is a safe way of treatment. It is a natural medical system that provides full-time solution to all sexual disorders. Ayurveda focuses on diet, lifestyle, herbal treatment and Vajikarana therapy. He provides his comprehensive Ayurvedic treatment for every sexual problem at Dubey Clinic. His medicine is based on the combination of modern and traditional Ayurveda which is clinically proven for all quality purposes.
In his treatment, he provides full-time therapy which is based on medical case history, examination, and analysis of the underlying conditions of sexual problems. After knowing the real cause of sexual problems, he provides specific treatment while giving them some important guidance for sexual health and mindfulness.
For more info:
Dubey Clinic
A Certified Ayurveda & Sexology Clinic in India
Dr. Sunil Dubey, World famous Ayurvedacharya
B.A.M.S (Ranchi), M.R.S.H (London), PhD in Ayurveda (USA)
Honored with Bharat Gaurav & International Ayurveda Ratna Award
More than 35 years of experience in sexologist profession
Full-time working (08:00 AM to 08:00 PM) at Dubey Clinic
!!!Helpline: +91 98350 92586!!!
Venue: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna-04
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